I thank god I didn't take that call. A C-O-W-O-R-K-E-R O-F M-I-N-E H-A-D T-O M-A-K-E A C-A-L-L B-Y S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G E-V-E-R-Y W-O-R-D. Needless to say, we all listened to it and laughed hysterically. Not that being illiterate is funny, far from that. I just want to know who sold that poor customer a computer if that customer was unable to read?
Sat Sep 28 08:28:13 2013
Just wanted to say that I had a lelovy time at that event and must say that everyone looked fine that night and behaved well . Thanks to TI for coming out and showing KY some love and can't wait to see you again soon in the ATL .. Bigger thanks for The Big Don Ent. for these pics and the event setup .. Its a much needed event again soon.
Mon Sep 30 21:57:41 2013
today were asking about you & are exicted to hear more stories. We are heading up to the bluff for Cruise's bday party. Dad will enjoy your piece of cake;). We miss you & love you & wish we could be there too! The cherries & raspberries are waiting to ripen until you get home. xoxoxo Mom [url=]jjtfuuorth[/url] [link=]ntbwilpi[/link]